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Article 16967 of alt.sex.movies: From: [email protected] (Imperator) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 1994 20:21:23 UTC
Wow, what a cast! Ashlyn Gere, Angela Summers, KC Williams, Trixie Tyler, Cassidy. Of the boys I remember Mike Horner and Marc Wallice. This flick is great fun. The premise (how beauty pageants should *really* be like) is cute, Ashlyn (who talks a lot as usual) is articulate and foul-mouthed at the same time and the sex is decent. Of course with this sort of cast you can really do no wrong. First there is a girl-girl with KC and Angela; great pairing in terms of looks but the sex is lukewarm. Oh well. Then Ashlyn administers a *great* BJ to Marc Wallice and screws Mike Horner (in different scenes, not a 3some). Finally Trixie, Cassidy and Angela do a guy each (as part of the competition). As I said the sex is decent, though it could have been better. I guess most of the excitement arises from the beauty of the stars. Still, if a more enterprising director (say de Renzy) were in charge, this would have been magic. It isn't. Still it ain't bad; rating 2.75
Another set of gorgeous princiapals. Savannah, Angela Summers, Alicyn Sterling (post-ridiculous-boob-job) and others, including His Voluminousness (Peter North), Tom Byron and Joey Silvera. John Leslie film. OK, but not great; as before, the main attraction is the beauty of the performers. Savannah is in the very last scene, a decent pairing with Peter North; he looks as if he is having fun -- apparently he appreciates Savannah's admittedly capturing looks. She looks her usual stoned self. Rating 2.55.
Are you in the mood for a bit of young Christy Canyon? Well then rent this. Older film starring Christy and a bunch of little known -but good looking- co-stars. It's a good effort; I personally fforwaded my way through most of the scenes to concentrate on Ms. Canyon's endeavours. The scenes I skipped didn't look bad though (one anal included). Christy does a *very* long girl-girl with another good-looking brunette. A lot of tit-massaging. Nice scene. Then Marc Wallice comes over and we have a nice 3some. This movie is *hot* and is at least 100 mins worth of pure sex. I give it a 3.20 and a whole-hearted recommendation. Go for it. BTW there is not a gram of silicon in any of the chests involved in this production. Pure, natural flesh :-).
Oh, really? Anyway, Nikki Dial plus Tiffany Mynx, Francesca Le, Kiss, Jonathan Morgan and others (all guys). Not bad a crew, don't you think? Shame that Scotty Fox doesn't give us anything apart from the standard "4 hetero+1 girl-girl" fare. No 3somes. No anals (with Tiffany in the cast, for God's sake!). Talk about waste of resources! :-) Still, the girl-girl is between Nikki and Tiffany and all the scenes are very nicely filmed. Standard fare but ... wholesome :-). I digested it, I bet you will too. A 2.65
Article 17258 of alt.sex.movies: From: [email protected] (Imperator) Date: Sun, 18 Sep 1994 23:01:50 UTC[...]
I used to like Debi Diamond quite a bit, but now the relationship has soured :-). I hate her in her current skinny edition and her recent movies, though impressive from a purely perverted point of view, after a point leave me saturated with smut and rather disinterested. [...] The other day I rented "Talk Dirty to me, Part 3". Debi is in it and looking absolutely luminous. Unfortunately she doesn't have a sex scene in this. The whole movie BTW is a horrid waste of resources: you have Amber and Ginger Lynn, Lisa Deleew and 4-5 other comely lasses and the only thing you get out of it is 5 lame-ish scenes. Big dissappointment. All girls look great however (Amber Lynn is at her most gorgeous). I'll call that a 2.15[Update 5/28/1995: Of course the original movie starred Traci Lords as well. Oops, that explains the shortness. Still, this version deserves its poor review: they should have never re-released it, it sucks]
This stars Seka, Veronica Hart, Samantha Fox, Serena, Jamie Gillis, Ron Jeremy and 6-8 other people whom I couldn't recognize. Well, this is objectively a good movie, though nothing special by Golden Age standards. With a cast like that it would be hard to go wrong, and yet I am still convinced that it could've been better. The highlight of the flick is a nice Veronica Hart anal Rating: 2.90
Article 17333 of alt.sex.movies: From: [email protected] (Imperator) Subject: Re: Teri Weigel [email protected] wrote: > Hello everyone... I just purchased a 4 hour comp of Teri Weigel. > WOW! I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good movies she was in.I'm a bit surprised you are pleased with a Teri comp. They are usually produced by some shitty company like Infinity and reek as if from a sewer[...]
Anyway, to answer your question: Teri's feature films are a big risk in that most were made after her ridiculous boob jobs, and in consequence they suck big-time. Also in her latter movies Teri pushed her trademark pseudo-orgasmic shriek to new depths of ridicule. In all honesty, the only Teri films I personally like are:
That's her debut if I am not mistaken and is a very good movie in general. As a matter of fact, it's her best. She looks absolutely gorgeous, actually looking like a Playmate for a change and not a freak-zoid. You see this movie was shot either before any of her boob jobs, or after the first (decent) one. She does two scenes: one het with Marc Wallice (a superior scene) and one girl-girl/3some with Alicyn Sterling (pre boob-job thank god) and a very slimy looking guy. If I remember well, she doesn't do het sex here; still the scene is quite good. She also struts around in the buff for most of the movie, so that's an added bonus; BTW when I say "in the buff" I mean no shoes either :-). I personally liked "Inferno" a lot, gave it a 3.20, and have recommended it ever since. There is also an Ashley Nicole scene and one with Joey Silvera and a girl whose name I have forgotten; I think there is anal in that one. My advice is to grab this flick: certainly worth the rental, arguably worth the purchase as well. Of all the Teri movies (with the exception of the dubbed "La Massaia in Calore") this is the one she screams the least.
Here she screams a whole lot and I was pissed. However this is still watchable and for a Teri fan should be quite satisfying. Anyway, she does Marc Wallice again (good scene; there is a reverse cowgirl in this one), another guy (can't remember who) and Madison (YUCK!) in a bathtub. I think she has had her first tit downgrade in this movie, but it's still OK. Rating 2.80I have seen a couple more flicks starring Teri (eg "Starr", "Sex Scenes") but I wouldn't really recommend them. And it's a shame, 'cos I liked her a lot (actually I loved her Playboy layout back when it first came out). She's screwed her body up big time with those stupid implants and 90% of her movies suck. Oh, well.
Hope this helps.