rame.net : imperator : copyright issues These Web Pages are Copyright 1994-7 by rame.net, and are made available as a service to the Internet community. Neither the documents which make up my web site nor the material contained thereon may be sold in any medium, including electronic, CD-ROM, or database; packaged with any commercial product; or published in print, without the explicit, written permission of rame.net.
COPYRIGHT NOTICEThis message is copyright (c) by Imperator, email [email protected] Anybody wishing to archive/redistribute my reposts and new reviews for non-commercial purposes can do so as long as:
Notice to Spaghetti PublishersA spaghetti publisher is one whose philosophy of publishing is to "throw it at the wall and see if it sticks." Over the last few months, they been very busy putting out badly written Internet books, and are looking for yet more material they can rush into print in their ever greedier search for easy $. LegaleseThis web site is presented with no warranties or guarantees of ANY KIND including correctness or fitness for any particular purpose. The author(s) of this document have attempted to verify correctness of the data contained herein; however, slip-ups can and do happen. If you use this data, you do so at your own risk.Created: Friday, June 09, 1995, 6:49:42 PM Last Updated: Thursday, August 14, 1997 1:31:38 PM |