From [email protected] Tue Apr 25 16:13:17 EDT 1995
Article: 57916 of
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From: [email protected]
Organization: Anonymous contact service
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Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 18:30:06 UTC
Subject: Re: Classic or just old (A Review)
Lines: 92
Status: RO

>1974 Classic. Swedish movie with Harry Reems and Eric Edwards.

Well, everyone else seems to think this is a classic. I didn't finish
watching it. Perhaps I'm jaded by the explicitness of modern porn. But
this vid looked to me like it was shot softcore (it's obvious Spice didn't
invent all those oddball camera angles!) and, on the copy I saw, anyway, a
few hardcore scenes were spliced in. I got suspicious when the _very_
cute, winsome blond in the lead role gives Eric Edwards a BJ and they show
an _incredibly_ tight shot of lips around a dick, behind the head shots,
and no shots or pans at all of penetration and her face. It's not them. 
Another giveaway were the rather prominent warts on the guys dick.  I
don't think Eric Edwards had big genital warts in the early 70's did he? 

Anyway, this movie is about a cute young woman, tired of life on the farm.
She takes off for Munich and the life she sees in fashion magazines. She
runs into a sweaty panty fetishist who claims he can help her "modeling
career" gives her a ride right into the woods, where she naively models
crotchless undies for him.  She escapes him and crawls into Harry Reems
car and off they go to his hip 70's bachelor pad (lots of orange walls and
mod furniture.) He fucks her and then he fucks some other woman who is
already living in his place.  None of the sex is real, except for the
inserted hardcore scenes. 

Except for the fact that the young blond woman in the lead role is quite 
attractive, this movie bored me, both in quality of sex and in the story. 
It plodded along, going nowhere slowly. Admittedly, if something good 
happens in the second half, I missed it. Perhaps if that's the case 
someone could fill me in.

>>Love Witch
>Ancient: 1973. Not a recognised classic but is supposed (haven't seen it)
>to have underwater sex scenes. And supposedly Harry Reems doesn't take off
>his clothes

This flick was even worse. And I didn't finish this one, because I 
couldn't stomach it. The only redeeming quality is the Harry Reems 
"wrapper" This is one of those flicks (like the Amateurs, mentioned in a 
previous post) where an existing movie is retrofitted with some kind of 
plot, filmed later.

The really funny part is, the "plot" is a courtroom, where Harry Reems 
plays almost every part. The judge, the prosecutor (allegedly, the small 
town judges' brother) and the accused. The "court," the spectators and 
the jury are all drawn cartoon style on large pieces of cardboard with 
crayons! And you thought Bud Lee sets were cheap! Anyway, the "plot" is 
that Harry Reems is being prosecuted in Harry Reems court by Harry Reems 
for showing dirty movies in the small town. So of course, we have to see 
the movie. The actual movie looks like a really old flick someone dug up 
and tried to sell with his lame plot "wrapper."

The story:

Two dorky "swinger" type guys set off to have a hot weekend. Somehow, the
"cool" dude of the pair books a trip on the "Love Witch," a sailboat
manned by a bunch of women (of course.) I couldn't stand watching this
flick because of all the limp-dick grinding, fake cum-shots and hideous
hair-do's the bimbos were sporting. While there _was_ some cock sucking,
I'm not convinced there was much, if any, actual penetration. The one
actual real looking cum shot (where you see it spurt out) was obviously
spliced in from some other source. In at least three cases what passes for
"sex" is one of the unattractive, lame duo grinding agains some chick for
a while, and then one of those "Batman"-style cutaways to a big,
cartoonish, full-screen "OOOOPS!" and then a splice back to our hero
pulling his weenie over a puddle of fake cum on one of the bimbos bellies. 

Zero excitement, for me anyway.

The "cool"dude of the pair has a real erection problem, despite one 
energetic attempt on the part of one the early 70's, Jackie-O hair,
silver eyeshadow chicks.

There is a little bit of OK lesbian snatch munching, but that's about it. 
Oh, and one so-so lesbian strap on session. But it's missionary and you 
can't really see either girls face all that well. The girl on top never 
looks up.

The only redeeming quality is the Mystery Theater 3000 style voice-overs 
which are supposed to be Harry Reems, prosecutor, discussing the flick 
with Harry Reems the judge. "Are they communists? See I told you they wuz 
communists. Smoking that marijuana."

Otherwise, this flick is totally unwatchable, unless you are a porn 
historian or just interested in goofing on a dopey older movie. If you 
are looking for sexual excitement, skip it. Of course, I may have missed 
something great in the second half, but I doubt it.
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