From [email protected] Sun Apr 9 14:35:28 EDT 1995 Article: 55564 of Newsgroups: Path:!dsinc!!uunet!!!pofbbs!doctor1 From: [email protected] (Patrick B. Hailey) Subject: Re: Comments on "Classic" movies? Message-ID:Organization: pofbbs - The Politics of Freedom BBS, Joliet, IL (815) 740-0081 References: <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 22:43:32 GMT Lines: 38 Status: RO In article <[email protected]> [email protected] writes: > >Campfire Girls - Laurel Canyon, Gail Force, etc. I remember this as being kind of charming, but not great. If I remember right, it's a Svetlana film. She took the T&A 'teaser' film (a la "The Cheerleaders") and added the explicit pay off. Best acting I've ever seen by Janey Robbins (not the best sex by a long shot, just the best acting). 'Long' Jeane Silver is delightful, and I'm *still* pissed that they hid the fact that she's an amputee. It's been a long time, but *I* would love to see it again; though, again, I wouldn't call it "great". I say: get it. (Watch for the charming "you talk too much" scene w/ Eric Edwards.) >Portrait of Seduction - Monique Cardin, Rita Stone I've never seen it, but I *want* to. I understand it's an Anthony Spinelli film, so it can't be too bad. Jim Holiday says it has "flaws that film buffs will spot but sex film buffs won't care because the action is so hot". My guess is that, like "Campfire Girls", if I'd actually seen it, I'd call it 'good but not great' (I don't like flaws). As an aside: in my experience, A. Spinelli's best films are "Sex World" and "Nothing to Hide". These are *wonderful* films, with the word *film* being the key: I'd love 'em if there wasn't a bare breast in them. Superior film-making (on a budget) by a gentle, emotional, wonderful gentleman. Whoops! Come to think of it, I may have "Campfire Girls" mixed up with "Summercamp Girls". I'm sure someone will correct me, and I look forward too it: Which one is the Svetlana film w/ Jeane Silver, Eric Edwards, and Janey Robbins? Thanks awfully, Patrick --- If you think that government should protect the choices of peaceful and responsible citizens, not limit or prohibit them, you should look into the Libertarian Party. To get your free info packet, call: 800-682-1776.