From Wed Mar 10 08:28:33 1993
From: [email protected] (MILLER, JIMMY A.)
Subject: REVIEW: Things Change:  My First Time
Date: 9 Mar 1993 15:24:41 GMT
Organization: University of Houston Administrative Computing
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Review of Paul Thomas' "Things Change: My First Time"

Shot on film.
Starring: Nikki Dial, Deidre Holland, Paula Harlow, Flame, John Dough, Woody
	  Long, and a guy whose name I forget.

  Overall, I'd say this was pretty good.  Paul Thomas has had a problem in
getting real heat and stories from his movies.  He seems to be trying to
make more than just a one-day-grind-it-out kind of movie, but he so often
misses the mark he's almost a cliche.  This time, he does much better.

  Nikki Dial (looking very scrumptious) and Deidre Holland play lovers, com-
mitted to each other and girl-girl sex.  Big deal you say, that's a plot for
zillions of flicks.  Well, wait a sec.  They get together in the opening scene  No sex, just some playful kissing in the pool.

  Nikki goes to work (photography studio) and gets seduced by the guy whose 
name I forgot.  Now, granted, for a supposedly confirmed lesbian in a mono-
gamous relationship, she seduces fairly easily, but Nikki somehow manages to
convey a sense of surprised excitement at her own responses.  She also shows a
bit of shyness at the start which is both reasonable and very appealing.  So
they get it on in a pretty hot scene.

  We cut to Paula Harlow (attractive blonde with fake breasts, but not TOO over-
sized) coming home from work and bathing in a short scene, but no masturbating.
Enter Deidre, who is a professional masseuse.  She gives Paula a rub down as
they talk, and then Paula tries to seduce Deidre.  But Deidre says no, she's
devoted to Nikki!  Well, that's different, or at least different enough from
standard porn fare.

  John Dough comes in as Paula's hubby.  He gets a short rubdown too, and 
Diedre makes her exit as he and Paula start to get it on.  They have a nice
scene, and Paula explains how she'd like to get Diedre interested in men--
with Dough being the guy (she also wants a shot at Diedre for herself, not
that I blame her).  Dough is willing (no shit).

  Deidre gets home to find Nikki packing.  Seems in discovering she can like
men, Nikki has also realized she hasn't really lived or done anything on her
own.  She's leaving.  Diedre's bummed, but realizes this is something her
lover has "gotta do".  she then proceeds with a farewell lesbian sex-fest, 
which takes them all over the house (masseuses make good money it seems).  It's
hot, as they go at each other like rabid cats.

  Nikki gets her own apartment, a small place (more realism), and we get to see
her get wet and herself off in a shower scene.  Standard fare, but its always
fun to see Dial getting off.

  She goes shopping for furniture, and we see Flame trying to seduce Woody 
Long, whose her boss in the store.  He turns her down because she's married!
Woody sends Flame home and goes out to handle Nikki's sale.  He proceeds to
seduce her in the most unrealistic scene in the movie.  She gets hot, they
start to get it on, and Flame joins the frolic for good measure.  Not a bad
scene, really, but with all the more than half-hearted goes at making more
than your average porn flick, I was dissappointed.

  Like I said, overall I liked it.  Say, 3-1/2 out of 5 stars.  It's definitely
what you would call a "couples" movie.  There's not the raw sexuality of a 
John Leslie flick, and the directing occasionally was spotty (when you've
got someone as gorgeous as Nikki Dial, you should *focus* on her entire body,
not just her face and genitals, Paul), and what's also a bit grating is that
this is part I.  There's a part II due out.  Dammit, older movies had just as
many sex scenes or more and also told the whole story.  A little more proper
editing is in order.

  Well, it's definitely worth a rental, but for something besides nasty, dirty
sex.  I like nasty, but something different is nice too, and this fits the

  Let me know if you liked this review.  I might do more.

semper fi,

Jammer Jim Miller 
Texas A&M University '89 and '91
* I don't speak for UH, which is too bad, because they could use the help.     *
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