From Mon Apr 24 11:22:26 1995
Path: msuinfo!agate!headwall.Stanford.EDU!nntp.Stanford.EDU!opera!phantom
From: phantom@opera
Subject: Indecent Offer
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Sender: [email protected] (Mr News)
Organization: DSG, Stanford University, CA 94305, USA
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 20 May 93 20:12:41 GMT
Lines: 34
Status: RO

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Drunkfux) writes:
|> In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Drunkfux) writes:
|> >
|> > New Adult Releases : Monday, May 17, 1993
|> > -----------------------------------------
|> > Indecent Offer
|>   This should answer the "how long before they rip off Indecent Proposal?"
|>   thread.

I've seen the movie already, (Actually I saw it last week so I
saw it before May 17th)  and it's not bad as cheap porno ripoffs go.
The twist to this movie is that this girl knows about this
billionaire who regularly goes around propositioning married women for
a $1 million.  So she gets the idea of marrying some guy she gets
from the classifieds, cavorting in front of the billionaire like some
newlyweds in love, and then getting the money.

Not too much plot to get in way of the sex.  The movie's main star
is Sarah Jane Hamilton, a young British redhead who has the
ability, like Fallon, to squirt when she comes.  The last scene of
the movie is well worth waiting for.  In it, Sarah Jane fucks the
billionaire played by Jonathan Morgan and squirts about 3 times
although only one squirt is really highly visible.  The scene
is obviously real -- Sarah Jane gets amazingly wet very quickly with
a little fingering, she then squirts while Morgan is fucking her.
The most visible squirt is when Sarah Jane is on top so she can
pull away from Morgan to time to let us all see her drip on her partner.

The movie also stars old standby Bionca in a lesbian scene with Sarah Jane,
and newcomers Jessica Fox, a petite blond with big tits, and 
Deborah Wells, a tall skinny brunette with a foreign (German?) accent.From Fri Jun  4 07:14:55 1993
From: [email protected] (MILLER, JIMMY A.)
Subject: REVIEW: "Things Change: Letting Go"
Date: 2 Jun 1993 18:00:46 GMT
Organization: University of Houston Administrative Computing
Lines: 84
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.24

TITLE: "Things Change: Letting Go"
	Vivid (?), shot on film

STARRING: Nikki Dial, Deidre Holland, Steve Drake, Paula Harlowe, Jon Dough,
	  Francesca Le' Heather Hart and Nikki Wilde

DIRECTOR: Paul Thomas

  First a little apology; I forgot to write down some of the stuff I normally
do when reviewing, so I may have some details wrong.  Please correct me if I
get something wrong, and I hope any errors on my part don't cause problems for

  Premise: Nikki and Diedre are lesbian lovers on the outs.  In part 1 ("My
First Time") Nikki discovers men can be okay after all, and decides she needs
to get out on her own, moving out on Deidre.  In this installment, Diedre hires
Drake to break Nikki's heart and turn her off men and back on to Diedre. 

  Folks, this is a *good* movie.  It's a thin porn plot, but a lot more real 
than most, and the non-sex acting is actually fairly credible.  Granted, I've
seen better HS actors, but it's still a step up from the regular tripe.  In
addition to Paul Thomas's normal efforts at realistic motivations and such, 
most of the sex scenes here have a generous helping of heat to them.

  If I have a general gripe here, its the lack of Dial.  Where the first of
this 2-parter concentrated on Nikki (as I recall) this seems to focus on
Diedre.  Dial only has 1.5 scenes in this.  I think a better story could have
been done if we had skipped the second sex scene (see below) and added another
with Ms. Dial, or just lengthened her second appearance, or just added a whole
other scene. 

  On to the scenes:

SCENE 1:  Takes place in a lesbian bar.  Francesca offers Diedre some solace 
over her loss of Nikki in a nice bathroom scene that includes a short-lived
female voyeur.  Fran also explains about her boytoy Drake.

SCENE 2:  Same bathroom, but now Drake is doing Francesca while Heather Hart is
doing Nikki Wilde in the next stall.  I believe we see Fran do some anal here
but my memory is a little fuzzy.  Also a good scene, though I think Wilde is
a little wasted here, wish she did more "mainstream" porn, but hey, if she 
likes bondage, who am I to say?

SCENE 3:  Diedre, who's a masseuse (masseur?), is giving Paula Harlowe her reg-
ular rubdown.  Paula figures out Diedre's down and convinces Deidre to let her
assuage that loneliness.  I wish I had friends like these, that's twice in 
three scenes she's gotten sex to help her feel better.  So they do the lesbian
bit very nicely until Paula's hubby (and Diedre's real-life hubby) Jon Dough
comes home.  Paula gets Diedre to stay and have sex with the three of them 
(which, if you recall, Paula had planned to do since the first movie).  Minor
quibble in that Diedre takes to het sex a little too easy (should have had Dough
work on her a bit more), even though its more realistic to me than Nikki Dial's
"discovery" in Part 1.  BTW, did I mention this is a very good scene? :-)

SCENE 4:  Well, here's where Nikki's been hiding.  Drake plays a photographer 
type, and he woos Dial (who works in a developer's) and takes her on his boat
for some sexy photos.  Nice cheesecake shots of Dial, and then the sex hits.
Nikki looks as appealing as ever, but the use of a straight soundtrack, all
music, no sounds from our performers, detracts from the sexual value of the
scene.  IMO, of course, that's just the way I prefer things.  Afterwards, Drake
proceeds to act like a jerk (as he was paid to do) to break Nikki's heart.  He
does, and she runs back to Diedre, as planned.

SCENE 5:  I hesitate to call this a full scene, its more like a quick vignette.
It's Diedre and Nikki in a very short bit of lesbian sex, where we're reminded
that Deidre is the dominant one in this relationship.  It has some major pot-
ential, but its cut short for unknown reasons.

  Drake feels bad and tries to apologize to Nikki, and lets the cat out of the 
bag.  Dial is understandably pissed and leaves Diedre again.  Finis.

  Good stuff here, people.  I'm going to take a page from AVN or somebody and
start grading on both technical merit (plot, directing, sound, etc) and sexual
heat.  I give this sucker 4 1/2 stars on tech merit and a sexual rating of
very, very hot.

  till next time folks,

Jammer Jim Miller

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