From [email protected] Thu Dec 8 22:29:31 EST 1994 Article: 41113 of Newsgroups: From: [email protected] (Blowfish) Subject: Re: Review Wanted: M.Ninn's "Sex" Message-ID:Organization: Blowfish Mail-Order References: <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 03:54:20 GMT Lines: 45 Status: RO You know, we'd really love to say that SEX is a splendid movie, a wonderful movie, that it deserves everyone one of the accolades heaped upon it, etc., etc. We'd especially love to say that because it's a very expensive movie, and we've been selling a ton of them. But, we do try to be honest fish. BLOWFISH REVIEW: SEX Plot, 2 puffs out of 4 Production, 2 puffs out of 4 Sex, 2 puffs out of 4 MTV is probably the worst thing that ever happened to adult movies, and this movie continues a particularly bad trend. There's nothing wrong with making a good, solid B movie. It's an honor, a quite respectable line of work. However, making one of mind-numbling exercises in jump-cutting and trying to pass it off as a Masterpiece is just dumb. The plot, such as it is, surrounds a male model? rock star? something famous who gets sucked up into the machine and has his life destroyed even though he has tons of money and great clothes and looks fabulous and gets to have sex with a zillion great-looking women in vinyl garments with lots of zippers. This, shall we say, did not quite click with us as being a terribly sympathetic situation, so any attempt a character identification was lost. It was inadvertently hilarous to hear him go on and on about how great his talent was and how he was being abused, while clearly displaying his very limited acting range ... The whole thing *might* have been intended ironically, but somehow we doubt it. SEX is shot in a very jerky, uncoordinated jump-cut-intensive fashion, even worse than Andrew Blake's most intense migraine. This film has the attention span of a kitten on speed. The grand, semi-climactic sex scene (the film goes on for quite some time after that, for no obvious reason) managed to just about squander all of the money spent on it by cutting away from the action about every five seconds to focus on something, anything else. It's not a disaster, but c'mon, what in the world was Ninn thinking? We saw it here at the fish tank back to back with FIONA ON FIRE, and *that* reminded us of what a porn flick with higher aspirations can be like. -- To receive the Blowfish Catalog of erotic books, movies, comix, edible things and arts & crafts send your postal address to [email protected]. Subscribe to our e-mail mailing list at [email protected].