From [email protected] Fri Mar 24 11:30:57 EST 1995
Article: 53620 of
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Misty Beethoven
Date: 23 Mar 1995 19:11:16 GMT
Organization: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Status: RO

I watched "The Opening of Misty Beethoven" the other night on the advice of the
1995 Adam World Film Guide, which named that movie as being universally
acclaimed as the best porno film ever made.
	I was quite surprised by it.  I had expected (from the review) lots of
hot sex, naked chicks, etc... - you know, the usual porn crap that you see in
every film that crosses my desk.  However, I was surprised not only by the
paucity of sexual scenes (I believe 4 full scenes with about 20 or 30 little
short scenes mixed in) but also by the quality of acting, plot, humor and
dialogue.  This is truly a good FILM - not a porno film, but an actual FILM.  I
believe that I could just have easily watched a cut version with little or no
sexual scenes and still have enjoyed this movie.  The acting is superior (the
best I have ever seen in a porno by far), the dialogue is hilarious at times
but always interesting, and the characters are played out to their fullest
extent.  We sit and watch as Misty turns from an inexperienced sexual rookie
into a full-blown sexual goddess capable of seducing the owner/publisher of the
largest adult magazine in Europe (Goldenrod - what a great name!)
	So I guess I agree with the previous poster on this subject.  This is a
great porn movie - not for the sex but for the story.  Rent it and watch it and
tell us what you think.