From Tue Apr 20 07:20:41 1993
From: [email protected] (MILLER, JIMMY A.)
Subject: REVIEW: "Guilty By Seduction"
Date: 19 Apr 1993 21:04:12 GMT
Organization: University of Houston Administrative Computing
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REVIEW: "Guilty By Seduction" -- Pinnacle (Odyssey Group)
         Shot on video

Starring: Leena, Steve Drake, Bionca, Ona Zee, Woody Long, Terri Diver, Marc
	  Wallace, Jonathon Morgan

Director: Micheal Craig

  Well, thank God for Mike Craig.  After viewing a whole slew of crappy vids
(some of which I mention in NOTES FROM THE REVIEWER: 4/19/93) I find something
worth a long review.  Craig has occasionally missed fire, but so far in the
limited number of vids I've seen his name on, its been more hit than miss. 
He's not John Leslie, but he's no Paul Thomas, either. 

  Premise:  Drake is a private detective who specializes in taking photos of
people in _flagrante delecto_ for divorces and such.  Then he gets asked to
take pictures for political wheeling and dealing.  Diver plays the secretary
he doesn't want to hurt by using her for sex.  The whole thing sounds like an
old hard-boiled detective movie, complete with narrative voice-overs.  It's a
thin plot, but it at least provides a good excuse for all the sex.  The non-
sexual performances are fairly sophomoric, but maybe its just the writing.  I
give'em credit for trying, and not just slapping together your standard 1-day
wonder.  The production values aren't bad either, the sets and suchlike not
being unbearably cheesy.  I do have a nit or two, but I'll cover them where

SCENE 1:  Leena and Peter North.  I know she's done a few videos, but I've
never really noticed her before.  I don't know why, because if she was as good
in them as she is here, I need to go get'em in a hurry.  Or have my brain
examined.  A tan brunette with an exotic (to me) face, hard body with what
look to be store-bought tits (but not ridiculously so), she's looking good.  In
a nicely sweaty scene we see her and North go at it, and she really looks
enthusiastic and into it. "Well, that's her JOB" you say, but there are an
awful lot of performers who don't do a good one.  Those that do can make a blah
sex scene very hot, and those that do all the time become stars.  Here, Leena
does.  Other than that its a fairly straightforward scene, with North spewing
on her sweaty stomach. 

SCENE 2:  Woody Long gets Drake to take some photos of the set-up-for-a-fall
Wallace.  We see him and Ona Zee getting it on in a hotel.  Here is my first 
gripe:  The whole scene, except for the genital close ups, is shot as if you
really were peeking in through the window blinds.  So you only get half the
angles and sometimes see annoying fuzzy lines (that are really the blinds WAY
out of focus 'cause we're looking at the action inside).  So anyway, they do
their thing, with Ona talking dirty, and including anal sex.  Despite the bit
with window, it's pretty good.

SCENE 3:  The pics are working out good, and so as a reward Morgan has Bionca
come in to show Woody Long a good time.  She opens with a longish masturbation
sequence involving a dildo (which she sticks up her ass at points) and lots of
dirty talk, which continues after she and Long get together.  He ends by coming
on her tits.  Not bad.

SCENE 4:  The pics do indeed land Wallace in hot water, and he complains to 
Drake about it, who tries to remain unmoved and business-like but is generally
depressed by all the nastiness.  Teri Diver comes to him at his home and tries
to cheer him up by, what else, screwing him.  She and Drake get into a sweaty
clench that somehow manages to convey a certain world-weariness to it while
remaining hot.  I have no idea how.  The climax of this is Diver taking almost
all of Drake's load on her tongue and keeping it there, except for a blob or two
that gets pressed onto her lips.  While I prefer facials to orals, I was still
impressed.  Excellent scene.

SCENE 5:  Deciding he can't continue "just taking pictures" Drake decides to
set Morgan up to set right what he did to Wallace.  He gets Leena to take
Morgan to a hotel and fuck him for Drake's camera.  And they do, although here
we have the same trouble as earlier with Wallace and Zee, namely, the window
and blinds business.  This mars what could have been a much better scene.  The
ending is pretty hot though, as Leena manages to catch enough of Morgan's load
to smear it on her cheek, chin, and some stray hair.  Not a super-facial, but
still most excellent.

  In summary, this is a very good flick.  Good production values and very good
sex.  1 anal, 1 oral, and one facial.  I give it 3 out of 5 stars.  Go rent it.
You'll like it.

semper fi,

Jammer Jim Miller 
Texas A&M University '89 and '91
 I don't speak for UH, which is too bad, because they could use the help.     
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