Path: knowar!!sun4nl!idn!frp!frans
From: [email protected] (Frans Postma)
Date: 08 Jan 95 19:11:31 
Subject: review: The Governess
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Organization: IDN Internet Gateway

Hello all!

I've been quit for WAY to here we go:

Most of the time when people ask for my fav. movie with Debi Diamond I tell
them to get _The Governess_ but I just realized I didn't post a review of
it here...(or maybe I did, my Database decided to erase all reviewed-flags,
so I dunno which reviews I've already posted :-(


Wicked Pictures, Micheal Craig, 1993
Cast:   Debbi Diamond, Brittany O'Connel, Crystal Wilder, Lacey Rose
        Terry Thomas, Tony Tedeschi, Marc Wallace, Stephen St. Croix
Listed-on-box-but-not-seen: Teri Driver
. Debbi Diamond, Stephen St.Croix?
.!Debbi Diamond, Brittany O'Connel
. Crystal Wilder, Tony Tedeschi?
. Lacey Rose[dp], Marc Wallace, Terry Thomas?, Debbi Diamond
. Brittany O'Connel, Marc Wallice

(yeah I know...WAY to many question-marks in this one...but I'm not that
good at recognizing males :-)

. Debbi Diamond, Stephen St.Croix?
Fairly standard scene, I don't remember if there's any RC in this scene (I
don't note it back then, you see) but it's nice enough, certainly with Debi
Diamond in it.

.!Debbi Diamond, Brittany O'Connel
One of the best g/g with Debi I have seen...the girls are litterly bounces
up and down the room, toe-fucking, name it. Extremely hot

. Crystal Wilder, Tony Tedeschi?
This was the first time I saw Crystal Wylder (blonde girl, fairly big
breasts), after scene #2 I wasn't that much impressed, still a decent
scene. (I think there's some rev-cowgirl in this one, gotta update my notes

. Lacey Rose[dp], Marc Wallace, Terry Thomas?, Debbi Diamond
All comes Lacey :-) Lacey does most of the work here, Debbie
mostly watches. First the two gentlemen lick her and they fuck her both.
Eventually Lacey's get DP-ed (and hell, she _can_ scream :-) and she
obviously enjoys it a lot. Debbie also gets fucked shortly, but not that
much. Fairly hot scene, mostly 'cos of Lacey (gee, I love that girl :-)

. Brittany O'Connel, Marc Wallice
I guess this scene was ok, I don't watch it that match....fairly standard.

This movies gets highly recommend mostly 'cos of scene #1 and #2, #4 is
also nice (esp. if you like DP-action)

Rating (scale: 0..4) 3.00

Have a nice day...

[email protected]