From Mon Apr 24 11:22:26 1995
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Path: knowar!!sun4nl!!!
From: [email protected] (Jamal Dunbar)
Organization: Anonymous contact service
Reply-To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 14:18:26 UTC
Subject: Review: Blind Spot
Lines: 38
Status: RO

# Blind Spot
c 33/3.5H 1993 Vivid, Paul Thomas
. Sierra, Lacy Rose, Stephen St. Croix
. Laurie Cameron, Lacy Rose
  Sierra, Lene
. Laurie Cameron, Paul Morgan {A}
. Lene, Mark Davis {c}

Plot: Mark Davis falls for a girl (Lene) who works at sex club
      where there's hell to pay, if the girls ever take off
      their sunglasses.

This is a well-produced video.  The cinematography is excellent--nearly
flawless lighting and color.  The sound and editting are very good.
It almost looks like an Andrew Blake video, but it lack's Blake's

Paul Thomas really has the technique of video making down cold.
Now if he only learn how to make the sex hotter.  Maybe the problem is, 
he doesn't know how to direct the performers.

One thing I appreciated in terms of editting was the lack of absurd cuts
between close-up of uppper bodies and close-ups of genitalia, or long shots
with foreign objects conveniently blocking view of the explicit action.

Instead, Thomas makes use of angles that don't show any explicit
penetration, but still shows off most of the ladies' bodies.  This can get
annoying too, if overused, but here it is fairly well-balanced with more
explicit shorts.

My biggest complaint is that there are only 4 sex scenes.

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