From Fri Jun  4 07:17:26 1993
From: [email protected] (MILLER, JIMMY A.)
Subject: REVIEW: "Bare Market"
Date: 3 Jun 1993 12:31:46 GMT
Organization: University of Houston Administrative Computing
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TITLE: "Bare Market"

STARRING: Nicole London, Alex Jordan, PJ Sparxx, Sunset Thomas, Francesca Le',
          Woody Long, Peter North, Tom Byron, A Black Guy Whose Name I Can't
          Remember, and Some English Guy Whose Name I Forgot

DIRECTOR: John Leslie

  Premise:  Nicole and friends get together to discuss business and end delving 
into sexual fantasies.  This is about Jordan's attempt to loosen London up.

  Am I *little* disappointed?  Well...yeah.  Don't get me wrong, this wasn't
bad, not bad at all, but after seeing *two* pretty good Paul Thomas vids in a
row, I really had my expectations up, for a Jonh Leslie.  Something about the
plot just didn't really appeal.  Yeah, I know, we're talking porn here, but
still...AND we had the trouble that a scene or two *could* have been better. 
Never thought I'd see John outdone by Paul Thomas, but now I have.  John's done
much better work than this (The two "Catwoman" films and "Anything That Moves",
for example, not to mention "Chameleons", I could go on for a while, here). 

  We get a lot of voice-over narration from London explaining what is going on,
and sometimes I found this annoying.  Show, don't tell!  And lastly, the dreaded
The Girl on The Cover Is Only In One Scene Syndrome.  Sunset Thomsa is on the
box and, you guessed it, one scene!  C'mon guys, she's not THAT hot $$-wise,
is she?  How about Jordan then, who's also bankable and in most of the movie
to boot, if not London, the main character?  While I don't know how much con-
trol (or attention) Leslie paid to this part of the process, you'd think he
at least would have the clout to get things right.

  By the numbers:

SCENE 1:  Nicole London and hubby Woody Long by the pool.  Frankly, this scene
just didn't sing for me, and this kinda hurt my mood for the whole thing.  You
need to start strong, and this scene did not.

SCENE 2:  PJ and Alex play together while talking to some guy over the phone,
while London watches.  Pretty nice, although they don't quite go all out in
terms of sex here (no 69's for example).

SCENE 3:  The three ladies watch while Peter North and Francesca screw for
their viewing pleasure.  Fran sure likes to get it hard, and North delivers
one of his better facial shots at the end.  One for that compilation tape, 

SCENE 4:  The Black Guy (Arrggghhhh!  I know this guy's name but I can't pull 
it up right now!!!) masturbates while the ladies play with themselves.  Okay,
but like most primarily autoerotic scenes, it was weak for me. 

SCENE 5:  Jordan and Sunset Thomas go off for some sapphic sex in a bathroom
while London describes in dirty detail to Thomas' hubby (the English Guy)
what's probably going on.  VERY hot, even when Byron bumbles into the rest-
room as a janitor.

SCENE 6:  After some plot development, London hauls the English Guy over to 
friend Jordan's to display her new-found wild streak by letting him screw her
in the ass in front of her friends.  Nice.

  Final ratings:  4 stars on technical merit, 
		  almost very hot on the sexual merit.

for more good movies,

Jammer Jim Miller

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