Let's see...watched the new S&S...Seymore & Shane meet the Nasty Nympho or something like that...can't quite remember. It was OK, not quite as good as the last one "S&S Do Ireland". Annoyingly fake tits on that "nymphomaniac". A couple of OK facials. A little looking-at-the-camera action (you know, I like that so much maybe I should start keeping a list of movies that....what am I saying? Don't have the time right now...). Can't enthusiastically recommend, but wouldn't warn people away unless they really hate boob jobs. Um, like, 1.95 out of 4, or something. Also saw Rodney Moore's NW Trek #5. I'd also seen 1 & 2 in the past, and so far what I've seen of this series hasn't quite lived up to the searing hot wonders of his Creme de la Face and Cumm Bros. outings. There is, however, enough of the customary participatory camera angles, camera-looking, and facials to make this one interesting for me. One thing that bothers me about the facials in this is that the girls don't seem particularly enthusiastic. They just sort of lie there. They've gotta at least try to make me believe they want it. :) 2.1 Worth it, IMO. Some of these women are stunning. And on a sad note, the video store sold their copy of Rodney's Dirty Dating Service #2, my all time favorite vid, and they didn't sell it to me. I am in mourning. No more Josalynn Taylor stares. :(