From [email protected] Sat Jul  8 12:48:57 EDT 1995
Article: 68447 of
From: [email protected] (George Shaffer)
Subject: Private Film #22, "Samba" is a TOTAL WASTE
Date: 8 Jul 1995 14:19:44 GMT
Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
Lines: 48
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Status: RO

Private Film #22, "Samba", is a total waste.  I am making this
unqualified warning because the video is brand new, no one has
reviewed it yet and to keep people from wasting their money.  If
this assesment is wrong you can always get it later.  This is
>from  someone who liked Private Film #20, "The Tower" and Private
Video Magazine #21 enough that I bought four, PVM 20 and 22 and
PF 21 and 22 without any reviews or recomendations other than
Private's general reputation.  

This is a movie with a plot, at least according to the trailer on
PVM22.  Well a plot is supposed to tie things together.  I saw no
relationship between the "plot" sections and the sex scenes. 
After the first couple of discontinous cuts to sex scenes I fast
forwarded the "plot" sections.  About half way through I started
fast forwarding the sex scenes.  The director seems to have
forgotten we are watching women (not just sex).  Women have
breasts.  In the first half hour, I think one woman breifly bared
her breasts.  All the others were fully coverd or wearing bakini
tops.  The star who appeared in most scenes didn't bear her
breasts until about 1:10 into the video.  There was an almost
total absence of full figure nudity.  There was a brief RAC and
the star undresses before the camera late in the video. 

Talk about "jumble of body parts" photography.  There is almost a
total absence of long shots in this video. The director doesn't
seem to care that genitals are attached to people.  Its hard to
keep track of who's doing what to whom.  In an early scene there
were two women and a guy who started by observing another couple.
At some point another face showed up.  Mentally I asked myself
"Where did she come from?"  I didn't reverse to find out if had
fallen asleep and missed something.  In an extended orgy on a
boat there is constant cutting from one close up to another. 
There is no real heat because there no scene development.  

This is all from a one time viewing with a _lot_ of fast
forwarding.  My initial reaction is this may be the worst adult
video I have ever seen.  Could something from Private really be
that bad?  Was I in a lousy mood when I watched this?  I don't
think so because I put the last of the Private tapes in the VCR
with the intention of fast forwarding the entire tape just to get
an idea of what I had.  Two of the scenes were hot enough that I
had to stop and watch.  The other five seemed fair to decent.  I
will make another attempt to watch Samba and do a more complete
review with some detail but I do expect to return this video.

Has anyone else seen this?  If so please post your general
reaction.  I don't want to think this is as bad as I do.