From: [email protected] Just received a short personal email message and an attached form-letter email from sweet-Juli-blue-eyes-Ashton!
She responded to my request in mid December concerning some pics that
I found as I was wading through the newsgroups which looked like a
young-blood version of her. I forwarded them to her email address at and finally she answered,,,,, that no, the pics weren't of
her, but as in her words, For a PL like me, this is pretty "heady-stuff"! (My life I am sorry to say is nothing like many of yous, such as Riley's and AJB's, they I suspect are always having to fend off pornstars as they leave their respective trailers, they are always finding pornstars popping up from the back seat of their cars (AJB's Yugo, and Riley's 76 "cherry Caprice"), and their final disgrace, after putting in a hard day of porn viewing, their wrists sore, their tummies growling, they order out chinese or pizza and discover to their dismay the delivery-girl, is yes, a pornstar wanting to "influence them", but I digress...... I shall share with my RAME brethren, the form letter sweet-Juli-blue-eyes attached to her return email......
Hmmmm, Essentially Dee sounds very TASTY!, eh?
I hope she continues on with the "nekked home remodeling skit" she
started off both Essentially Juli and Essentially Shayla with, I mean
those leather tool-belts hug low on Dee's nekked hips would be a
sight to behold..... :-) and..... GO Titans! Here's Juli....................................................... Hey Everyone, Well, I'm back from Fiji and Sydney, and I survived hosting the AVN Awards show in Las Vegas, so now I'm trying to catch up. If you're getting this message, it means there are too many emails sitting on my server for too long, and so you're getting a somewhat "automated" response. I still take the time to read them all, though, so I don't want you to feel that you've wasted your time, or that I don't care that you took it. I don�t want you to think I�m ignoring you, but I also can�t personally respond to four thousand emails every time I return to the office. I�m really sorry. Now I still plan on getting to as many emails as I can, and of course I still personally handle all the autographs of photos and items you order, but I�m going to try this method for awhile. Please feel free to let me know your opinions about this new strategy, and if you�re looking to see me in person, check the schedule on the web. You can find information in the "Risqué Gigs" or in the "Risqué News" sections. If you�re curious, the most recent Ashton View releases are a comedy called Darling, and the newest in the "Essentially" series, Essentially Dee. You can get them both in my store on the web. I'm still working on the various web sites I contribute to, also. My online catalogue's at, just look for me under "Catalogs of the Stars." And please keep up with my goings on with all my "adult" sisters at I apologize again for my schedule and tardiness. Thanks for being patient. I�m REALLY trying here. Many of you write for autographed pictures, and if you send a SASE to the address below, I'll get to it as soon as I can. Just be sure the envelope is large enough for an 8x10, and be sure it has enough postage.
Juli Ashton Peace, Juli
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