rame.net  :  lists  :   hard to find flix

From: Steve De Rose <peteyone@~dropthis~netwave.net>
Date: (05 Feb 98 04:02:08 )
Groups: rec.arts.movies.erotica,alt.cult-movies,alt.fun.with.steve

The "rape" scenes are _not_ simulated (c.v. "Death Wish"). The women are penetrated. Their acting depicts them as having sex against their will. 'Simulated' in this newsgroup means depicting sex scenes without showing genital penetration. (The scenes may have actually been explicit, but the explicit aspects are not shown.)

Please excuse me for sounding so authoritarian. I do not mean to. But this question has been asked so many times, I respectfully submit to the rame webmaster that a revised answer should be made to http://www.rame.net/faq/part9.html

For unedited versions of "Golden Age" films, try these purveyors =

Something Weird Video [http://www.somethingweird.com/]
P. O. Box 33664
Seattle, WA. 98133
Phone = (206) 361-3759 [1000-2200 hours Pacific Time]
Fax = (206) 364-7526

Scorched Earth Productions [http://www.sepnet.com/rcramer/1970sxxx.htm]
P. O. Box 101083
Denver, CO. 80250
{It accepts checks or money orders only.}

Alpha Blue Archives [mailto:[email protected]]
P. O. Box 16072
Oakland, CA. 94610
Phone|Fax = (510) 268-0811

Video Search of Miami [http://www.vsom.com/]
P. O. Box 16-1917
Miami, FL. 33116
(888) 279-9773
{It charges a $10 initiation fee.}

Allturnativ Videeo {sic}
2224 S. 9th St.
Sheboygan, WI. 53081-6024
(920) 208-1207

Threat Theatre
P. O. Box 7633
Olympia, WA. 98507-7633

Tapes Of Terror
% P. Riggs
6226 Darnell
Houston, TX. 77074

S. V. E.
P. O. Box 797
Macomb, IL. 61455
Fax = (309) 833-3123

Cape Copy Center
631 Main St.
Hyannis, MA. 02601
{It accepts checks or money orders only.}

Just For The Hell Of It
% M. Decker
P. O. Box 19
Butler, NJ. 07405

Sarjim Video Services [http://www.sarjim.com/oldporn.htm]
c/o James H. Buffington
13944 Cedar Rd. #308
University Heights, OH. 44118
{It accepts checks or money orders only. It charges a $5 retainer fee.}

When you write to these concerns, please remember to enclose a signed age declaration therein. That is, tell them you are at least 21 years of age. (Don't obfuscate.) Things will go swifter if you also state that you will not show their materials to anyone who doesn't want to see them, or to minors.

I should not have to write this, but since the films you are seeking are explicit, I may as well be explicit. Do not write to these concerns and ask for illegal (in the USA) materials. The films may depict scenes which will not be displayed in the USA today, but the performers therein are all of legal age.

One of the best sources for purveyors of hard-to-locate hardcore adult movies is Michael J. Weldon's "Psychotronic Video Magazine". Issue #26 has been out for quite a while. It may be off the newsstands by now, so you may have to order it directly. It may be obtained by writing:

3309 RT. 97
Dept. Pudgy
Narrowsburg, NY. 12764-6126.

Send $6.50 [US] for Issue #26; or subscribe, six issues (specify the Issue with which you wish to begin) for $25 [US]. _Psychotronic_ accepts American Express, MasterCard, & Visa for orders of at least $20 [US]. Phone = (914) 252-6803. Fax = (914) 252-3905.

Nota bene: Michael J. Weldon is one of the last holdouts to the on-line universe. _DON'T_ razz him about getting on the Internet, please. Please be careful mentioning your E-Mail address or URL.

I hope this is the last time someone has to ask this question in r.a.m.e.

Steve "Pudgy" De Rose 3=D>
In 1998, may we all get what we deserve.
A keen consortium of material may be found @
Remove "~dropthis~" from the above address to really contact me.


Newsgroup problems: e-mail [email protected].
Website problems: e-mail [email protected]

Questions about adult movies should be posted or mailed to the newsgroup rec.arts.movies.erotica. The staff at the above addresses cannot answer your questions; the folks in the newsgroup probably can.