Newsgroups: rec.arts.movies.erotica
Subject: How to set Agent to keep out all spam from [RAME]
From: "[email protected]" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 13:06:25 CST
Spaceman pointed me to a site that told me how to fiddle around with
Agent so that a filter was created that only allowed messages with
[RAME] or (rame) or variations thereof into your window. Here's a
better way of doing it:
- Open Agent and go to Subscribed Groups.
- Click on rec.arts.movies.erotica.
- Click on Window at the top of the screen.
- A menu will open. Click on Open Usenet Filters.
- Click on Filter at the top of the screen.
- A menu will open. Click on Add Kill Filter.
- A box will open called Add Usenet Filter. There is a large white
space within the box called Filter Expression.
- Type within that box the following five words (without the 9.) just
as you see them below:
- not RAME* and not rame*
- Do not put [ ] or ( ) around any of the words, and be sure to have
the two *s there.
- Check the box below that says Apply filter to group immediately.
- Leave the Priority set at 400.
- Make sure that the white circle under Kill Action labeled Delete
is chosen.
- Make sure that the white circle under Scope labeled Group:
rec.arts.movies.erotica is chosen.
- Click OK
This works, I know, for Agent 2.0. It probably ought to be about the
same for earlier versions of Agent, and for Free Agent. Apparently
there's a new Agent 3.0 that's just come out. It will probably be
about the same there too.
Subject: How to set XNews to keep out all spam from [RAME]
From: RAME Staff
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005
- Click Article > Add to Score File
- Box 1: Add it to a section (new or existing, depending on your case) for ^rec\.arts\.movies\.erotica$
- Box 2: Choose KILL
- Box 3: Check off "Never Expire"
- Box 4: Press the SUBJECT Button. choose "doesn't match" from the dropdown and put RAME|rame in the last box
- Click Apply
Subject: How to set Outlook Express to keep out all spam from [RAME]
From: RAME Staff
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005
Outlook Express you need to set up a VIEW, a filter won't do it.
With RAME open, do the following:
- Click View > Current View > Define Views
- Click NEW
- Box 1: Check off "Where the subject line contains specific words"
- Box 2: Click "contains specific words" to open a window, in the "specific words or phrase" box, type RAME and then press the ADD button, then OK
- Box 2: Click "Show/Hide" and choose "Show messages" from the pop-up box, click OK
- Box 3: Name of the View: Show RAME
- Click OK
- Click Apply View then "Currently Selected Folder" from the pop-up, click OK on the two boxes.
Then, in the future, if OE forgets to apply the filter, click View > Current View > Show RAME to re-apply it.